Poetry Publications

Vagabond” in the International Library of Poetry 1999, “The Luminescent Night” edition.

Untitled” collage in City Magazine, January 3, 2001.

Winter Solitude” haiku in The Bookpress, The Newspaper of the Literary Arts, Vol.11, No.2, March 2001.

A fly lights on my page” haiku in Starfish, Spring 2001. “In Paris” haiku in Starfish, Summer 2001. “Winter Solitude” haiku in Starfish, Winter 2002.

Water ripples” and “Two snakes slithering” haiku in RawNervz, VIII: Summer 2002.

A slice of afternoon” haiku in RawNervz, VIV: Fall 2002.

Winter”, in RawNervz, VIII: 4, 2003.

A piece of quiet”, “A lone bird”, “Summer at the beach”, “Then we were three” haiku in RawNervz, IX: 2 Winter 2004.

Water ripples”, “Painterly red apples”, “Cancer patient” in RawNervz, IX: 3, 2005.

Selected poems” in HazMat Review, August 2004.

In passing” in Frogpond xxvii: 2 June 2004. “Wave” in Frogpond xxvii: 3 October 2004.

Childhood cancer” in Frogpond xxviii: 2 Spring/Summer 2005.

Autumn mist”, “Tsunami” in RawNervz, X: 1, 2005.

Silence”, “Partly cloudy” in RawNervz, X: 3, 2005.

The Old Man at the Bus Stop” in South by Southeast, Volume 12, Number 3, 2005 under the pen name Alexa Saygar.

Summer beach”, in Moonset, Spring 2006.

Autumn mist”, in Moonset, May, 2006, under the pen name Alexa Saygar.

Untitled” (2) in HazMat Review, June 2006, vol. 8, issue 1.

Attached”, chapbook, both hard and soft cover, June 2006.

Five selected haiku and “Waving” haibun, Rochester Area Haiku Group – Haiku and Other Short Poems, CFK Publications, 2006.

Pigeons”, in Moonset, June, 2007, under the pen name, Alexa Saygar.

Chasing pigeons”, in South by Southeast, Volume 14, Number 1, 2007.

Mother’s Garden”, in South by Southeast, Volume 14, Number 3, 2007.

Cold Cathedral”, in Moonset, November 2007, under the pen name Alexa Saygar.

My feet” and “A lone bird”, in HazMat Review, Volume 10, issue 1, 2008.

Three” by Wendy Smith, in HazMat Review, Volume 10, issue 2, 2009.

Early snow”, in Moonset, Spring 2009, under the pen name Alexa Saygar.

Cold Cathedral”, in South by Southeast, Volume 16, Number 2, 2009.

Dark rustle”, in South by Southeast, Volume 19, Number 3, 2012.

Dark rustle“, “Extending a finger”, Bear Creek Haiku, Winter, No.48, 2012.

Grandmother“, Bottle Rockets, Winter, 2014.

Lilacs“, brass bell: a haiku journal, April 2014.

Thunderclap“, Frogpond 37:2, Spring/Summer 2014.

Mother’s Garden“, brass bell: a haiku journal, June 2014.

“Mother’s Passing”, The Heron’s Nest, March 2022.